Monday, October 5, 2009

Rock Solid Theologians

Please do yourself a favour and search for sermons from these excellent "no bars" preachers - they were certainly "REAL" Christian teachers in my opinion.

Jonathan Edwards
John Bunyan

more to come... ;)

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We have lost the Gospel (external)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Im afraid I have some bad news...

IMPORTANT: WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO READ IS A 100% REAL, TRUTHFUL AND UNDILUTED VERSION OF WHAT HAPPENED TO ME - AND WITH REGRET I MUST SAY THAT I DOUBT YOU HAVE EVER EVEN HEARD THE WHOLE TRUTH IN YOUR VERY CHURCH AS PASTORS WHO SHY AWAY FROM HELL ONLY DO SO BECAUSE THEY WERE NEVER SAVED FROM IT IN THE FIRST PLACE... (there a HUGE distinction between people who moved to Christ, and those who were burning in the eternal fire and were anointed by Christ from their hellish chains - and no im not talking drug/alcohol addiction or what ever - im talking our natural hidden sin inside that makes us secretly hate God inside.. HAPPY GOOD HEARTED people have the same chains that will send them to the same hell)

To continue - But yes, You are most probably not saved - Im sorry to be the bearer of bad news - but unless YOU KNOW THIS FOR SURE / have been through what I have (and John bunyan/Jonathan Edwards for that matter) then I will not falsely give you hope of your own salvation that is well polished in the church.. You might even be a devout Christian,theologian or even a devout Pastor, and have been for many years - but unfortunately passively accepting Christ as your Saviour just doesn't cut it. It takes a heck of a lot more than that. You need a reason, you need to believe in that reason 100% - THAT YOU ARE GOING TO HELL - before there is any reason to accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. GOD DIED ON A CROSS!!! - do you really think that is so His word can be compared to the common line we have heard so many times: "are you unhappy? distressed? do you feel a gap in your life? are you looking for something but not sure where to turn?" or even worse: "are you struggling financially, emotionally?" - and all those stupid questions asked in Churches?? Do you really think Jesus came and died for your personal human discomfort? Jesus is NOT a crutch for human issues - This is REAL DANGER we are talking about - a spiritual fear so terrifying that only by careful meditation can the listener slowly realize their eternal damnation upon them. Unless you have seen your soul walking to the fires of hell I am afraid you have no need for Christ, and the one that you think you have, is unfortunately one of your own design. You like the rest of the people, pagan,satanists,"happy go lucky" people, Muslims, sect Christians, and who knows what - are on a path directly to destruction. WAKE UP!! Yes, you will be terrified when you realize this - and that is only the beginning. I cannot repeat enough that only once we have seen ourselves silently dragging our souls to hell can we truly embrace the REAL Christ, and not the one invented in Church. Do you remember the Word saying: "many will have my name on their lips, but very few will actually be saved"? - Alarm bells again! These are Christians, it is talking about Christians who merely hope and think they are saved - instead of knowing 100% beyond all measure and doubt.

** this is why JEsus spoke in so many parables - because he knew so many just wouldnt 'get' Him - He said this along these lines: To those who understand, they will know - but to the rest they will just be parables/stories.

If you have not seen yourself going to hell, you will never find His Cross because thats EXACTLY what He came here for - to save sinners from hell. The hell the Bible speaks of is one of the most hidden yet horrific truths comfortably avoided by Pastors and Christians who portray it as a "Good News" book, are you kidding me? The Bible tells people they are going to eternal Hell! Its a warning, and DEFINITELY not Good News, nothing could be further from the truth - only after they truly accept the bad news, THEN can they search the Good news - THE TWO ARE INSEPARABLE! For those who know this - God Bless the lambs of Christ.The real message should terrify readers - and yet the Church happily blindly avoids this topic over and over, why? Because our nature demands that we avoid discomfort. We don't want t be disturbed by Gods Truth - the same way we were born into sin - its the same way we have constantly turn our backs on the REAL God, all for our own temporary comfort. It is the very reason WHY we need to spread the word, and if you thought you weren't going to divide people by doing it the RIGHT way, think again. Brothers against sisters, children against parents - read on and see how I have had first hand experience of all of this - ALL to HIS GLORY, not mine.

If I could recount those first moments when I was hurled into the abyss - It would be very difficult to explain. No, I'm not talking about one of those bad LSD trips you find, nor was it the kind of story where people claim to be visited by angels on some obscure evening - with bright lights and who knows what contrived garbage. No - I am talking straight down the line Spiritual Biblical truth.

How it all began...

As a youth I grew up very non-Christian by my mum - I was never forced into it and thus ever really cared or minded. I went to church about 4 times in total - and was brought up very carefree. I had a great childhood and can honestly say no complaints at all - I spent many years having loads of fun right though to the day I died, (metaphorically speaking)...

High school hum-drum:

Its 1993, my schoolmate gives me my first drag of a joint. 2 years later I'm basically taking drugs (although mostly weekends only) - and smoking up a storm of weed daily. No probs - my grades are still average. I never stole, I was cool, a bit on the eccentric side but pretty much ok. I was never into anything obscurely dark at all - I pretty much cruised along...

Enter the veil:

First bad acid trip - need I say more. After that ordeal I became a Christian and after school 6 months later I applied to enter theological college. Basically accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour, started going to church, bla bla - everything seemed 100% fine, or so i thought ...

Enter The Abyss:

After 16 months of being at theological College - I remember walking down the hallway at college when all of a sudden my mind tipped - into a realm I never experienced before. No i didn't see dragons or anything - I basically realized, within about 3 minutes - that I was en route to hell, and that I was dragging myself off there, no - in fact, my being was ADDICTED to walking straight into the fires of HELL. Why? Because I simply wasn't saved. Judging by what I had experienced up until then in a very normal church environment, I knew this was something no-one I had ever encountered had experienced - yet I knew this was the entrance to either your eternal Doom, or your eternal Salvation.

The black mirth:
From that moment the utter terror of hell, its spiritual reality and complete and utter visibility wrapped itself around my soul and I could not let it go for a second - take a note here because it is VERY important later on. I was thrown into the mire as John Bunyan explained it (pilgrims progress). It is the first experience of Christ BEFORE salvation where the sinner sees his absolute tyrannical nature dragging his own self off to hell. I knew from the deepest recesses of my soul that if i died at that point I would be burning forever in a place so terrifying it still makes me sweat when I recall- almost 15 yrs ago. My stomach was permanently in a knot, and I had no-one to turn to. I even sat on my bed with my lovely mother and couldn't even find the words to describe the terror I was in. My mouth was parched, and my whole body in aches - i couldn't sleep at night, it was unbelievably horrific - and undying. As the moments passed I continually realized how completely helpless I was and how utterly tragic the nature of man is - I was pretty much permanently experiencing the eternal wrath of God every moment, and all the while could see my utter self ruining nature the cause of it all. At that point I could never again look at God and wonder: why does He throw people into hell? I already knew the answer: because He doesn't - we do. We choose it, we are enslaved to it, we are masters of our own destruction - WE THROW OURSELVES INTO HELL!!! Its what happened in Eden, it wasnt a little apple and snake story! It completely determined the world we live in today and the cause of it all? man. (make another note here as I have gravely important conclusions to make later). It repulsed me to see what my true sinful nature was, all the while completely invisible my whole life - EVEN AS A DEVOUT Christian- never was i aware of my real state.

On and on the nights grew longer and the days longer. I could not share it nor could I do anything - I was stuck in this stalemate overlooking the fires of hell from within, and looking upon my UTTER UTTER worthlessness, and that there is absolutely NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING man can do for himself before the Almighty. Just self punishing loathsome sinful creatures addicted to something we cannot overcome ourselves.

Kaboom!!! - Enter Christ!!!

I was on an outreach into the center of Mozambique - I remember that day like no other. The Day Christs hand came out and pulled me from my sin - I died, His Holy Spirit filled me - and my life from then on changed so utterly that not a day has passed that I haven't forgotten. I was a new person, I cannot even remember the old one. My whole mind shifted to a new realm where I would never return from. Christ had saved my life - and now I am here to tell you my stories, share my Christian insights and share His word.


... more to follow ;)

Some reading on the whole matter-that perhaps you may be truly saved: